H&M Group Sustainability Report. Axel Johnson Holding AB. N/A. Axfood AB. Not specified. Not specified. Axfood Annual And Sustainability Report 2017, p.129.


Jun 15, 2016 May 31st 2016, and consists of: · Paul Schrotti, Axel Johnson AB/Axmedia AB, Chairman of the committee · Risto Siivonen, DG Holding S.à.

We invest in businesses to build them and to create value over the long term. Learn More. Our Businesses. Sprague 44+ years Brazeway 1+ years Kinetico 11+ years Parkson 50+ years HighRes Biosolutions 3+ years Walk2Campus 7+ years Skjodt-Barrett Axel Johnson AB ingår i en koncern med 260 bolag. Moderbolag är Axel Johnson Holding AB och koncernmoderbolag är B J A Croonen BV. Koncernstrukturen baseras på uppgifter från 2020-12. Om Axel Johnson Holding AB. Axel Johnson Holding AB är verksam inom verksamheter som utövas av huvudkontor och hade totalt 19 anställda 2019.

Axel johnson holding ab

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Stockholm, Sweden Responsibility for all project reporting. Manages budget follow-up Axel Johnson is the corporate home for a collection of diverse industry-leading businesses. Johnson's holdings by 1890 were ten times what they had been in 1880. Throughout the period, Yorkshire coal accounted for almost half of the firm  Mar 22, 2021 This company operates as a holding firm, that through its subsidiary Axel Johnson AB, builds and develops trade and service businesses in the  Caroline Berg, Chairman of Axel Johnson AB, with Antonia Ax:son Johnson in March 2015. AxFlow Group forms the Fluid Handling Solutions business group of   Axel Johnson International is a global industrial group of 150 companies in 30 in the driveline market via its investment in Elforest AB, effective 31 March 2020.

Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse för allmännyttiga ändamål, som äger 85 procent av kapitalet och 5 procent av rösterna, har till huvudsakligt ändamål att allmänt främja vetenskaplig forskning.

Axel Johnson Holding Aktiebolag 556245-2549 (Stockholm) Översikt Telefonnummer Adresser Styrelse och koncern Verklig huvudman Nyckeltal Kreditupplysning Axel Johnson Investment AB Omsättning 0 tkr Resultat 19 754 tkr Om oss Annonsera Villkor Om cookies Integritet Bloggen

Backed by Axel Johnson International the AxFlow Group has enjoyed dynamic growth to become the Chair of Becker Industrial Coatings Holding AB and Colart International Holdings Ltd. Board member of Lindéngruppen AB, Höganäs AB, Axel Johnson International AB and Senior Advisor to Keyhaven Capital Partners Ltd. Previous positions: Axel Johnson, EQT Partners, KPMG, Electrolux and IKEA. The two Volvo companies, Volvo AB and Volvo Car AB seized the two top spots on the list of the top twenty companies with the highest turnover in Sweden as of March 2021.

Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons stiftelser Idag är stiftelserna Nordstjernans största aktieägare och innehar 99 procent av rösterna och 86 procent av kapitalet i Nordstjernan. Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse för allmännyttiga ändamål, som äger 85 procent av kapitalet och 5 procent av rösterna, har till huvudsakligt ändamål att allmänt främja vetenskaplig forskning.

Axel johnson holding ab

The group has operations in some 20 countries in Europe, and an annual turnover of SEK7bn. Axel Johnson International is owned by the family company Axel Johnson AB. Axel Johnsons bokslut för år 2020. Axel Johnsons 2020 var ett exceptionellt år för samtliga våra verksamheter. Industrigruppen Axel Johnson International och Axfood noterade rekordresultat, medan framför allt Martin & Serveras och Åhléns försäljning och resultat drabbades hårt av restriktioner kopplade till pandemin. Hon är idag styrelseordförande i Axel Johnson Holding och i Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse. Hon är ledamot av styrelsen i Axfast och i Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse för Allmännyttiga ändamål, Axel Johnson Inc i USA, där hon även var ordförande under 1985–2016, samt grundare och ledamot i Axfoundation.

Axel johnson holding ab

Antonia was Board Chair of Axel Johnson between 1982–2015. She is Board Chair of Axel Johnson Holding AB and the Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation. Furthermore, she is a director of Axfast, the Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson … Axel Johnson Inc. owns and operates a diverse collection of industry-leading companies. We invest in businesses to build them and to create value over the long term. Our Group companies. We at Axel Johnson believe that trade and services develop people and build communities. We meet more than a million customers every day through our companies.
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Valentina Cristea’s winning entry Winner: Valentina Cristea, AxFlow Italy Previous positions: Various leading positions within Axel Johnson AB including President and CEO. Head of Research of Aros Securities AB. Various positions within ABB Financial Services AB. Holdings in AB Electrolux: 5,000 B-shares. Mike joined Axel Johnson in 2002.

Mike joined Axel Johnson in 2002. Prior to leading Axel Johnson, Mike spent 17 years as a partner and member of the board of directors of Monitor Group, a global consulting and merchant banking group. Mike is Chairman of the Board of Sprague Resources LP, Kinetico Incorporated, Walk2Campus Holdings, LLC, Brazeway Incorporated, and Parkson Axel Johnson builds and develops profitable trade and service businesses in the European market, with a focus on the Nordic countries.
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Axel Johnson Aktiebolag,556223-6959 - På allabolag.se hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, varumärken, adress mm för Axel

Mats Karlsson is by the same date appointed new President and CEO of Axel Johnson International AB and will be new Chairman of AxFlow Holding AB. 2021-1-13 · Axel Johnson AB - 2001 Year-end Report Mon, Mar 25, 2002 13:23 CET. Axel Johnson AB - 2001 Year-end Report · Earnings improvement - pretax earnings more than doubled to SEK 430 M. Axfood, Servera and Åhléns all reported strong results. · Continued growth - sales increased by 7 percent, which was above the average for the sectors concerned. 2021-4-22 · History. The AxFlow Group has evolved as Europe's leading company in its field through a combination of organic growth, strategic mergers and acquisitions, and divestment of non-core business activities. The year 2016 is a landmark in AxFlow's history starting the expansion outside Europe and becoming a worldwide distributor of fluid handling 2021-3-22 · Show website. Wenner-Gren Center, Sveavägen 166, floor 14.